OUr Blog

Helpful electrical tips for homeowners, written by electricians and not robots.

Inspection Tobias Harvey Inspection Tobias Harvey

Electrical Inspection: Devices and Lighting

Ceiling fans, lights, smoke detectors, plugs and switches. These are all items that need to be addressed at least on some level. It is said that electrical systems need to be updated every 10 years, and replaced every 30 years. So, what does that mean for these basic items.

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Inspection Tobias Harvey Inspection Tobias Harvey

Electrical Inspection: Panels and Wiring

Now that we’ve taken a look at all the small things, let’s turn our attention to the main panel. As mentioned earlier, electrical systems, like a car or any other system that functions as many parts in simulations operation, need maintenance. The general rule is an update every 10 years, and replacement every 30 years. So for many of us, that can put us overdue on both.

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